A female has one uterus,a pair of ovaries and tubes.How must it be to be told either you have 2 uteri,or 1 uterus and another half uterus ?You have one ovary and tube and nothing on other side?Strange are the ways of nature!!!But at times the tissues from which uterus ,tubes and ovaries behave differently during developmental stage leading to various combinations of conditions called mullerian anomaly.The' difference' might vary from minimal deviation from normal to quite a significant one.The incidence varies from 0.1% to 0.5 %. Patients with müllerian duct anomalies are known to have a higher incidence of infertility, repeated first-trimester spontaneous abortions, fetal intrauterine growth retardation, fetal malposition, preterm labor, and retained placenta.
These patients are also at increased risk of developing endometriosis and kidney abnormalities.Recently came across one such case where the ultrasound picture was completely different from what we found inside..
This is picture of another lady who was operated by me some 3 years back has only one sided ovarian tissue.A strip of uterine tissue.A 4 cm long blind vagina.She had presented to me with recurrent urinary infections and history of absence of periods.
These patients are also at increased risk of developing endometriosis and kidney abnormalities.Recently came across one such case where the ultrasound picture was completely different from what we found inside..
This is picture of another lady who was operated by me some 3 years back has only one sided ovarian tissue.A strip of uterine tissue.A 4 cm long blind vagina.She had presented to me with recurrent urinary infections and history of absence of periods.