This month out of 20 patients whom I delivered , 3 were Diabetics on Insulin and 2 had a Gestational diabetes controlled on Metformin.We as Asians are more prone to diabetes.Our eating habits have changed drastically, not for good and Pregnancy itself is a diabetogenic state.India for sure is the diabetic capital of the world.
So ,what do we do?Should we panic.Not really.......but yes it needs a lot of commitment from the mom to be herself as well as the doctors taking care of her.One of these ladies who is a Insulin dependent diabetic shared with me that when she met an Obstetrician after she tested positive for pregnancy,the doctor gave her a horrified look.This lady had a mildly raised blood pressure and deranged thyroid function too.She was told that it was a very high risk pregnancy with a high probability of complications.That scared this lady and she ultimately landed under my care.
I do agree that these pregnancies complicated by medical conditions are challenging for physician and patient alike but it isn't some thing to panic about.Patients need to be realistic in accepting the condition and comply to what their doctor advises.At the same time we as a doctor need to make the patients aware of complications of possible uncontrolled condition without scaring them.It is a fine balance between telling the truth and make it sound scary.
And how can I leave my all time favourite topic....Cesarean vs Vaginal delivery.......It never means that if you have diabetes you need to have Cesarean for sure.
Most of the Obstetrician have special interest in high risk pregnancy,but as a patient choose your doctors carefully,comply to their advise and I am sure you and your baby will be fine :))