Thursday, May 24, 2012

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss clinic

Miscarriages and Pregnancy losses are painful. Recurrent pregnancy loss means shattered hopes and desperation. At Max Hospital ,Gurgaon  I shall be starting a delegated clinics on all Wednesdays between 4 to 6 PM  for couples who have suffered recurrent Pregnancy losses. With an evidence based approach, sophisticated Lab and a compassionate attitude I hope to fulfil your dreams of a healthy pregnancy.
Who should visit us?
If you have suffered two or more miscarriages
If you had a miscarriage at more than 12 weeks
If there has been a stillbirth i.e death of the baby inside the uterus.
Following a clinic review and appropriate investigation the management of each couple is individualised depending on the cause of their pregnancy losses. The chances  of a successful pregnancy with these measures is ~70%. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is interesting. It's a relief to know that there's a doctor who gives importance to cases such as 'recurrent miscarriage'. I for one have had 3 miscarriages in the past 2 years and 1 unconfirmed chemical pregnancy recently(unconfirmed because there's was nothing on paper that I had it, so I've just assumed it was a chemical pregnancy). My husband and I are desperate to have a baby but are helpless at the moment as we still have not got reliable solutions. I'm quite interested to visit the Clinic.
