Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is the effort worth it?

It was a very busy September for me.Lots of deliveries.I try to manage my labour patients  in a logical manner.To try for a vaginal delivery unless there is an Obstetric indication for a Cesarean or unless the mother demands a Cesarean section.
As per my training in UK ,a trial of instrumental delivery is an accepted method where you know that there is a chance of faliure of instumental delivery but still it is worth trying.One succeeds mostly but some time it might fail and the patient ends with a Cesarean section.Its a pity that in India even doctors are unaware of correct protocols and would like to go for a C/S as a part of defensive practice.
Recently I was appalled to hear from a doctor colleagues that I should leave my' passion' for vaginal delivery  .I am not passionate about a vaginal delivery,but just wish to treat my patient the way I would like myself to be treated.It might mean little inconvenience to me or to my colleagues as Vaginal delivery NEEDS PATIENCE.It needs one to attend patient at anti social hours( any time of day or night).But can that be a reason for CS.Just thinking????Am I actually doing something wrong by trying to give fair and safe trial of labour to patients who actually want a vaginal delivery if possible. Any answers??????????


Anonymous said...

Obstetrician passionate for normal vaginal delivery? you are doing very good job
indeed.Every birth should be attended not only by obstetrician but a team trained in neonetal resuscitation and we can can reduce the number of LSCS by half.

Dr Kaushiki Dwivedee said...

Thanks!!That was just a momentary frustation.But once again I was my patients I got the answer....'Do what you would like a doctor to do with you in similar situation'.........I am back on track:))

Anonymous said...

Keep gng!! You know what is right and forget wht ppl have to say (which they anyways will!!!)

Dr Kaushiki Dwivedee said...

That is very true......everyones inner self knows what is right and what is wrong.And I am thankful to God that he s insures that I don't get a good night sleep if I do things against my innerself
No one can be 100 % perfect and neither am I.I have got lots of flaws and downsides like everyone of you.....but yes I have realized that the effort has been worth it.
